Thursday, June 22, 2006

Homeschool Conference

This weekend is the CHEO conference. I think CHEO stands for Christian Home Educators of Ohio. It's interesting to see how my purposes and goals have changed over the years of attending these conferences; first, MassHOPE in Massachusetts, and now CHEO in Ohio.

Initially, of course, I was intimidated and nervous about this idea of homeschooling and was just looking for help. I went to every workshop that seemed even remotely to offer it, and wandered around the exhibit hall in a daze. I didn't even know what to look for.

Then, for many years, I went primarily to visit the exhibit hall. I was looking to buy curriculum without having to pay shipping, and occasionally looking for a new approach to some subject I wasn't comfortable with in my current approach.

Now, it's as if I've gone full circle. My oldest will be in 8th grade this year, and in one year I've got to be doing the high school thing. Once again, I'm nervous, intimidated, and just looking for help. I'll be going to workshops looking for help; I'll be scouring the exhibit hall looking for help; maybe I'll just collar people in the hallways... (OK, I'm kidding about the last.)

So, hopefully I'll be able to report that I had great success, and am no longer quite so nervous about it all!

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