Thursday, May 04, 2006

Prince Charles the liberal

I've been reading an interesting article in the current National Geographic, which I find to be wonderfully confirming about my understanding of liberals and liberalism. The backbone of the liberal movement are rich people, and their liberalism tends to manifest itself in three delightfully self-serving ethics.

First, they deny traditional/religious morals, thus neutralizing what used to be a primary deterrent to wasting one's life and fortunue on degeneracy: that is, societal disapproval.

Second, they tend to favor massive government intervention in the lives of unfortunate or disadvantaged people. This, of course, excuses them from taking responsibility in more than a token manner for using their wealth responsibly rather than spending it on luxuries, while at the same time it mollifies their conscience.

Third, and here is where their utter hypocrisy is most on display, liberals tend to be environmentalists. Not, mind you, environmentalists of the stripe who drive smaller cars, take shorter showers, etc. etc. to minimize their personal impact on the environment. No, no, no, no! They merely advocate draconian measures that would ultimately force the masses, those not fortunate enough to be in their elite circles, to make less of an impact on the environment by having a lower standard of living. Again, it lessens the guilt for the fact that they probably consume more of earth's resources in a month than the average person does in a year.

Okay, sorry, but I'll have to come back later to explain how Prince Charles exemplifies this brand of liberalism so well.... Homeschool mom has to take over from Blogger mom. We always start our school day with devotions and we're already 15 minutes late!

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