Monday, September 18, 2006

ABC Movie

We watched the ABC movie about 9/11. I gather that how accurate it was depends on who you talk to...

Overall, it leaves me with one strong impression. The primary fault belongs to the whole country for being reactive rather than proactive, and that is one area that hasn't changed. We still close the barn door after the horse is gone!

They hijack airplanes -- we increase aviation security. Then we hear that they've attacked subways -- we increase our public transportation security. I'm sure that after whatever their next attack is, we'll defend against it, too.

Perhaps after they bring dirty bombs into the country, we'll finally realize that it's worth to massive effort required to control who crosses our border!

Of course, I have to say that I think both the overall weak response of the Clinton administration combined with the low calibre of his appointees contributed as well.

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