Friday, December 22, 2006

The Innocence of Children

In the mornings I listen to an AM radio show called Quinn and Rose. Rose is a Christian, but surprised me this morning with a comment along the lines of 'All that is best in adults is the child which still lives inside them.' She may have been reading someone else's words rather than her own at that point, and I'm sure I butchered the exact wording, but nonetheless she expressed the sentiment with no qualifications and in seeming agreement.

Biblically, the idea is absolute nonsense. It's the humanist worldview that holds that children are naturally innocent and good and are only corrupt by the evil of society, because humanism rejects the concept of original sin. The Biblical worldview, as expressed in Proverbs 22:13 is that "Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him." Biblically, our adorable infants are steeped in sin, and though they may not have facility to make sinful choices yet, as soon as they are able to start making choices, the choices will be sinful and selfish.

The whole notion is nonsense even without a biblical worldview. Just by observing reality, how can anyone say that the best in us is our leftover child, especially around Christmas. Sure, kids love Christmas, and if you love your children, the joy they receive from Christmas brings you joy, too. But WHY do they love Christmas? Mostly because they're getting toys and candy and presents, etc. etc. etc. How can anyone watch a family, in which the children are primarily interested in self, and the parents sacrifice on a daily basis for the good of their children, and not see the truth? Of course, I'm referring to functional families. In fact, 'disfunctional families' are probably those headed by adults who still haven't left childhood behind.

Okay, enough. I've made my point, but boy, she should have known better.

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