Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I have a good friend who is planning on beginning to homeschool next year. She's concerned, as she feels her own education level is inadequate. Though I understand her concern, I think she will probably do a wonderful job. In thinking about it, I came up with these reasons.

In my opinion, three qualities are important to success in homeschooling. One is devotion to your family. She has that in spades. I've always appreciated that she is sad when her children go back to school at the end of the summer, unlike so many moms who are eager for it.

The second is discipline and organization. Check.

Finally, and probably least important, is academic ability. Although her intelligence is obvious, her education may not have been as good as is desirable, but with the excellent curricula tailored to homeschoolers, this is easily surmountable.

She'll do great!


Beth Morey said...

I work as a Title I teacher at the elementary level, and I must say that even though I was confident in my teaching abilities starting out, I have learned so much MORE by teaching. Your friend will do great. She has the heart for it, and that's the most important thing.

Debbie Fuhry said...

Thanks for the encouraging words, Betherann. I quite agree.