Sunday, October 04, 2009

First try

Okay... a first guess at an elevator pitch...

Free Indeed tells the story of Onesimus, the runaway slave referred to in the Biblical book of Philemon. Though he hates being a slave, Onesimus is too fearful to risk escape until his master, and everyone else in the family except him, becomes Christians. To get away from the faith he despises and can't share, he runs away. The story tracks his adventures traveling through the Empire to Rome, where he finds success using his artistic talent in decorating pottery. Recognizing Paul as the man who converted his master, loneliness and emptiness cause him to follow when he witnesses Paul's arrival under arrest in Rome. After his own conversion, he continues under an assumed name and false identity for several years before he confesses his deception, repents, and agrees to return and make restitution to Philemon.

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