Sunday, August 30, 2009


I've been trying for the last couple of weeks to be more faithful about taking Sunday as a Sabbath. I'm not suggesting that this is some sort of law that is currently binding on believers, but when Jesus spoke about it, it was as something God put into place for our benefit. I don't want to miss out on any of God's benefits.

Also, I have always heard and tend to believe that those who are faithful in tithing are never left with the needs unmet. I also tend to believe that if a person is chronically short of money, beginning to tithe will help, even though it seems very counter-intuitive.

So, since I've been chronically short of time lately, I decided to try being faithful to use my Sundays in a more God honoring way; instead of merely as a day to get caught up on all the work that didn't get done the previous week, or even to get ahead of the game for the coming week.

I did better the first week than last week, and this week I'm having a hard time. I have to get some laundry done so Doug and Tim have work/school clothes for tomorrow. I also tried to pay some bills, but the bank's online system is offline until 8 a.m. tomorrow.

I guess I'll do the bare minimum of laundry, and then continue going through the Elizabeth George book. I originally started into that thinking it would be good to use with the teen girls at church; I'm not so sure of that now, but I think it's probably beneficial to me anyway. The other thing I will try and do is look through the material I have on purity, since that's what Jen really wants to cover with the girls.

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