Thursday, October 26, 2006


It seems common for those in the 'baby boom' generation (even one like myself who only barely falls into it and only identifies myself as such with great reluctance) to feel as if we're somehow only pretending to be adults.

It seems like a charade, from which we're frequently in danger of being unmasked. I have noticed, however, two rites of passage which begin to turn that illusion into reality, that is, which have made me feel like a real grown-up instead of a child playing a fantastical game of dress-up.

The first, not surprisingly, was having children. I've always said that nothing made me shed childhood and approach adulthood as it has. But just lately, I've found a new impetus in the direction of becoming really and truly a 'grown-up.'

Perhaps there is nothing that makes us mature like carrying responsibilities, and no responsibility has ever made me feel older than that of caring for a parent: worrying about what she eats, and whether she exercises, making sure she takes her medicine, reminding her to check her blood pressure, etc.

NOT complaining, just musing...

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