Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Writer's Retreat

The Writer's Circle at the Twinsburg Library hosted an all-day retreat on Saturday, Feb. 16th. Cari Dubiel arranged it and did a great job. A couple of professional writers attended: one who writes mysteries and one who writes children's books.

After presentations in the morning, we took at lunch break. I found the presentation on agents particularly helpful. In the afternoon, we split into two critique groups. One went with the children's author, and critiqued a children's story one of our members had written. The other half stayed in the room to critique my 'Jairus' story. Actually, only part of it -- which was a good thing since I had to read it aloud... whew!

It's always good to get feedback. My need to get a better handle on POV was confirmed. In general, the group was encouraging. The mystery writer, Annette Dashofy, did say that she felt my writing was good enough to try for publication.

I guess I won't quit yet!

1 comment:

Annette said...

Don't you dare quit. You have the talent. Just hone up your craft a bit and you're well on your way.

I enjoyed meeting everyone at the retreat. It's gratifying to know I was able to offer some information AND encouragement.