Friday, September 22, 2006

Proverb of the Day


Do not move an ancient boundary stone
set up by your forefathers.


Kids seem to think their parents 'have it all together' somehow. If I could use an analogy for spiritual maturity from the fairy tale of evolution, I'd try to convince my kids that I'm just crawling up out of the slime!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Proverb of the Day

Chapter 20, verse 29

The glory of young men is their strength,
and the honor of old men is their gray hair.

(My husband likes this one!!!)

Get US out of UN!

I remember those bumper stickers you used to see from time to time.

Now, I think I agree with Chavez who said, "And maybe we have to change location. Maybe we have to put the United Nations somewhere else; maybe a city of the south. We've proposed Venezuela."

So, let's do what Chavez said and get UN out of US! And while you're at it, let's get US and our $$$ out of the UN, too!

Chavez' transcript

If you want to read his comments for yourself, here's a link:

Monday, September 18, 2006

Proverb of the Day

He who find a wife finds what is good
and receives favor from the Lord.

Pope's comments

Let's see: Islam is portrayed as being evil and violent, and they respond by being... evil and violent.

Ho-hum, nothing new here.

Except that, has anyone ever noticed the similarity between radical Muslims and two year-olds throwing tantrums?

ABC Movie

We watched the ABC movie about 9/11. I gather that how accurate it was depends on who you talk to...

Overall, it leaves me with one strong impression. The primary fault belongs to the whole country for being reactive rather than proactive, and that is one area that hasn't changed. We still close the barn door after the horse is gone!

They hijack airplanes -- we increase aviation security. Then we hear that they've attacked subways -- we increase our public transportation security. I'm sure that after whatever their next attack is, we'll defend against it, too.

Perhaps after they bring dirty bombs into the country, we'll finally realize that it's worth to massive effort required to control who crosses our border!

Of course, I have to say that I think both the overall weak response of the Clinton administration combined with the low calibre of his appointees contributed as well.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Two girls....

I've been dividing my time between two little girls today. The first is Becky, who has been sick for several days. The problem is that any time she gets a fever, her little tummy tends to reject any food or drink recently acquired. Her method of preventing that is an ICE COLD washcloth applied and FREQUENTLY reapplied to her forehead. She also likes potpourri, which I heat on the stove and set near her. It seems to be working so far...

The other little girl is a recent acquisition. After the extremely upsetting but necessary euthenasia of my favorite cat in the world last February, we've been in the extraordinary position of having no cats. Our other cats have been strays, whom I like to think of has having been brought to us by God, so I was disinclined to go get a cat.

Doug's brother called this morning, and had rescued a stray from the towpath trail, but since they have a dog, thought we might be interested. So, now I have an adorable little cat learning to be less afraid in the basement, and spreading a few fleas while she's at it, unfortunately.

That's all for now. I'm sure one of my little girls in lonely and needs company!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Proverb of the Day

Verse 20

He who walks with the wise grows wise,
but a companion of fools suffers harm.

Ever wondered why?

In recent years, I've found my mind returning again and again to a question. Why has God raised up the homeschool and Christian school movements in this generation? I'd love to see numbers comparing the percentage of Christian children in public school now compared to 30 years ago. I'm sure it must be dramatically lower.

And I'm sure that's a good thing, but I just can't help but wonder why sometimes. What is God preparing them for? Is He going to use them to usher in a glorious, worldwide revival? Or will they need to stand firm for Christ in spite of terrible persecution and worldwide chaos?

Or is this a revival in itself, and one that won't fade out after a single generation like so many in the past?

Whatever the reason, God is doing something, so if the anti-Christian bias of everything taught in the public schools hasn't been enough motivation, think about this and get those kids out of there!

Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11

A few short comments on the date:

I hope people remember to fly the flag today. It seems quite appropriate.

Other than that, how should we observe this anniversary? Certainly, not with a 'celebration.' Nor, however, should it be a time of mourning and sorrow that leaves us feeling defeated. It should be a time of remembrance, but remembrance mixed accompanied by resolve and firmness, with perhaps some defiance thrown in for good measure.

Finally, it's too bad the 19 men didn't know the proverb quoted below.

Proverb of the Day

Proverbs 11:7

When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes;
all he expected from his power comes to nothing.

Radio Stations

I wish I understood more about the way radio stations 'travel' so far at night. When we first moved here from Boston, I occasionally would listen to Red Sox games on the big AM station which reaches the Cleveland area sometimes after dark.

When I wake up in the morning, I like to listen to an Akron station (we live partway between Cleveland and Akron.) But since they turn their power down at night, and I get up before the sun, I can't ge the station at night. I can, however, listen to a station in Wheeling, WV which carries the same morning show...


Friday, September 08, 2006

Proverb of the Day

Verse 34 -- spoken by 'wisdom'

Blessed is the man who listens to me,
watching daily at my doors,
waiting at my doorway.

Weight Loss

I was one of those who had trouble losing the last ten pounds after having kids...

Sometimes I'd 'diet,' which I define as a temporary, drastic change in eating styles. Other times I'd try to get more serious about exercise. Finally, after watching the results in others, I decided to give Atkins a try. And, I had about the same result that most others did: weight loss in the short term, weight gain in the long term.

So, then I ended up with more than 20 pounds to lose. I think I have finally found a two step (VERY SLOW) strategy for weight loss. The first step started more than ten years ago. I recognized a dearth of wisdom on my life, and began praying for wisdom (part of which is self-control) and reading Proverbs daily.

The second part began about 7-8 months ago. It involves what the experts always said, but since I'm still working on the wisdom thing I had to learn for myself. I have found a few small changes to make which are sustainable in the long term. I'm not on a diet, but I say no to sweets and 2nd helpings a little more often than I used to, and I walk for 20-30 minutes most days and lift light weights a few times a week. It works out to losing only a pound a month, which is hard to get excited about, except that I *think* I've finally found a long-term solution, and now I'm down by 8 pounds or so. Give me a year or so, and I'll be a happy camper!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


First day of school yesterday

God is good. I am always overwhelmed by the Grace which brings a non-kid, non-domestic person like me to be able to make the choice to homeschool my kids, and then gives me all I need to accomplish that to which God has called me.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Proverb of the Day

Proverbs 5:22

The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him;
the cords of his sin hold him fast.

Romans 8:28

I heard something interesting in church Sunday... One of the teachers in the adult classes pointed out that the promise in Romans 8:28 appears to be conditional, 'for those who love God.'

He then asked how we know who loves God, and for an answer reminded us of Jesus words that those who love God are those who obey him. In effect, he was warning us that if we're choosing not to live in obedience to God's ways, we cannot expect that 'everything will work for our good.'

I'm still processing that one! It's a new concept, but seems biblically sound.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Ok, here's my entry for the World's Worst Recipe contest...

Sweet and Sour Vienna Sausages:

Put 8 cans drained Vienna sausages in slow cooker
Combine 2 cups each grape jelly and ketchup
Pour mixture over sausages and stir lightly
Cover. Cook on high 1 hour, and on low for 5 hours.

I'm NOT kidding. I found this recipe in a cookbook. I didn't make it up!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Proverb of the Day

Proverbs 1:32

For the waywardness of the naive shall kill them,
and the complacency of fools shall destroy them.

(NASB this time--I don't feel like going upstairs for my NIV)

"Take care of yourself first"

That's the advice often given to moms these days. I don't always agree with it.

It the advice is merely to live one's life in such a way as to stay healthy and fit, well... of course. Unfortunately, it often means something else entirely--something which can look a lot like the selfishness we humans so easily slip into and rationalize.

Consider what Jesus said, "Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed." And, "Greater love has no man that this: that he lay down his life for his neighbor." In fact, isn't the whole message of the Bible to love and give and serve without thought for our own needs, let alone making sure that we 'take care of ourselves first?'